Tuesday October 22, 2024  
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Privacy Policy

Effective as of April 17, 2008


EPIC Software Corporation is a privacy conscious organization. The following privacy statement explains how we protect visitors’ information gathered via this global Web site.

If you as a visitor choose to register or submit information to this Web site, you agree to the use of such data in accordance with this privacy statement. Please note that this site contains links to other sites, including sites maintained by member firms and affiliates of EPIC Software Corporation, which may not be governed by this privacy statement.

If you have any questions regarding this privacy statement or do not feel that your concerns have been addressed, please direct your questions to Webmaster Services using the Contact Us link.

Information Collection

As a visitor, you do not have to submit any personal information in order to use the Web site. The site collects only personally identifiable information that is specifically and voluntarily provided by visitors. Such information may consist of, but is not limited to, your name, the name of your organization, current job title, company address, company email address and telephone and fax numbers.

We do not usually seek sensitive information (e.g., data relating to race or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, criminal record, physical or mental health, or sexual orientation) from visitors. We will, where necessary, obtain visitors’ explicit consent to collect and use such information.

Email Privacy Policy and Marketing & Newsletter Materials

We have created this email privacy policy to demonstrate our firm commitment to your privacy and the protection of your information. Our promise: We have not, do not, nor will we ever sell, trade or exchange email addresses or any other personal information gathered through our web site with third parties without your advance permission or unless ordered by a court of law. Our commitment is to keep any information you submit through our site confidential.

Why did you receive an email from us?

If you received a mailing from us, (a) your email address is either listed with us, one of our Partners and/or Affiliates as someone who has expressly shared this address for the purpose of receiving information in the future ("opt-in"), or (b) you have registered or purchased or otherwise have an existing relationship with us; that relationship may have come from a variety of different sources, including but not limited to: telephone inquiries, workshops, conferences and /or trade shows. We respect your time and attention by controlling the frequency of our mailings.

How we protect your privacy

EPIC Software Corporation is committed to protecting the privacy of its customers, employees and visitors to our website(s), and to keeping all personal information accurate, confidential, secure and private. Our company privacy code is based on the ten principles of fair information practices, as mandated by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information (CAN/CSA-Q830-96), and the Federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and covers all standards for the collection, use, retention and disclosure of what is reasonably deemed personal information. We also use security measures to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of data used by our system. If you have received EPIC Software Corporation newsletters or marketing materials from us in error, please accept our sincere apologies.

Sharing and Usage

We will never share, sell, or rent individual personal information with anyone without your advance permission or unless ordered by a court of law. Information submitted to us is only available to employees managing this information for purposes of contacting you or sending you emails based on your request for information and to contracted service providers for purposes of providing services relating to our communications with you.

How can you stop receiving email from us?

Each newsletter and other marketing materials sent contain an easy, automated way for you to cease receiving email from us, or to change your expressed interests. The fastest way is to either visit our website at www.epic-soft.com and click on the option to “Sign Up” or “Unsubscribe”. If you wish, you may also simply follow the instructions at the end of any newsletter or marketing materials or click on the following link: UNSUBSCRIBE. Please be sure to enter any and all address that may apply. In some cases we may have more than one email address for an individual and/or the individual is receiving our email from an address that is re-directing our marketing materials but is not identified in the individuals UNSUBSCRIBE request. If you prefer, you may also call our North American Toll Free number at 1-800-627-4151, extension 7, and leave your complete contact details.

EPIC Software Corporation does not engage in unlawful marketing techniques such as SPAM. We respect your online privacy. Further, for recipients in the United States, under Bills. 1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress our email cannot be considered S*P*A*M as long as we include Contact Information and a method to be removed from our mailing list.

Cookies and Web Beacons

To ensure that our Web site is well managed and to facilitate improved navigation within the site, we or our service provider(s) may use cookies (small text files stored in a user’s browser) or Web beacons (electronic images that allow the Web site to count visitors who have accessed a particular page and to access certain cookies) to collect aggregate data. We may use such devices to track information on our systems and identify categories of visitors by items such as IP address, domain, browser type and pages visited. This information is reported to our Webmasters who use the information to analyze the number of visitors to different areas of the site and to make sure that our Web site is serving as a useful, effective information source.

Neither our cookies nor Web beacons collect any personal information such as your name or email address. Further, most browsers permit individuals to decline cookies. To learn more about cookies and how to reject them refer to the HELP menu on your Internet Browser and/or contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP). However, under specific circumstances, visitors may be denied access to some parts of our site if their browsers are set to decline cookies.

Information Use

Personal information is used only for limited purposes. For example, when you register with the Web site to gain access to premium content such as Whitepapers, presentations and/or information on our Products and/or Professional Services or request future communications about EPIC Software Corporation’s areas of interest, such as research being conducted by EPIC Software Corporation or member firm publications or marketing campaigns, we may use the information you submit to create a personal profile to customize our response to further requests or inquiries. We may also use the information to personalize your Web site experience. And, when you choose to register online for an EPIC Software Corporation-hosted event, we will use the information you submit to respond to you. In addition, the web masters may, where necessary, use your information for various site related tasks. We will ensure that our marketing activities comply with applicable law, and implement procedures to obtain necessary consents before sending you emails containing information about EPIC Software Corporation product and/service offerings. You may at any time request that we discontinue sending you such materials.

Disclosure of Information to Third Parties

Although we may provide visitors’ information to service providers that handle information on our behalf, we will usually not share the information with third parties or other EPIC Software Corporation entities for secondary or unrelated purposes unless otherwise disclosed at the point of collection.

Personal information may be transmitted internationally through the EPIC Software Corporation worldwide organization or to third parties for the purposes identified above. This may include transfer to countries without data protection rules similar to those in effect in a visitor’s country of residence. By providing information to EPIC Software Corporation through this Web site, you are consenting to such transfers. Where appropriate, personal information may be disclosed to law enforcement, regulatory or other government agencies, or third parties where necessary or desirable to comply with legal or regulatory obligations or requests or for the purposes identified above.

Access to Information

We are dedicated to providing reasonable access to visitors who wish to review the personal information retained when they register with our Web site and correct any inaccuracies it may contain. Visitors who choose to register may access their user profile, correct and update their details, or unsubscribe at any time. Visitors who have any problem accessing their profiles should contact Webmaster Services using the Contact Us link. In all cases we will treat requests to access information or change information in accordance with applicable legal requirements.

Information Security

We have in place reasonable commercial standards of technology and operational security to protect all information provided by visitors from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

EPIC Software Corporation reserves the right to modify or amend this privacy statement at any time and for any reason. Nothing contained herein creates or is intended to create a contract or agreement between EPIC Software Corporation and any user visiting the Web site or providing identifying information of any kind.

Children's Privacy Protection

EPIC Software Corporation understands the importance of protecting children's privacy in the interactive online world. The Web site covered by this privacy policy is not designed for or intentionally targeted at children 13 years of age or younger. It is not our policy to intentionally collect or maintain information about anyone under the age of 13.

Visitors' Questions

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your privacy while using this Web site, please contact info@epic-soft.com.


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Success Stories

A National Retail Petroleum Company has a corporate/franchise mix of over 2,000 retail gas bars and approximately 7,500 employees. It was recently...
A Technical Services Provider has 3,000 Full-time Contract Network Engineers and Service Technicians and draws on an additional 4,500 on a...
A Pharmaceutical Company introducing a new product estimated it required approximately 200 new Sales Reps. EPIC Software selected a...